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Green Laser Lipo (Fat-Loss Treatment)

Step into the Emerald Green Light!

Green Laser Lipo Laser has arrived at Mansculpt London

Deep abdominal fat can be the hardest to shift and most of us know what it’s like to have a few stubborn pounds that just won’t go!

For this, the emerald-coloured laser fat reduction works well, It uses a low-level laser light therapy (LLLT) machine that uses electromagnetic energy calibrated at the exact wavelength to target specifically fat cells

It’s a non-thermal laser so there’s no chance of burning, it’s completely safe. Shrink fat cells and shrink your waistline.

Green Laser Lipo is the latest technology in fat-busting treatments. It’s popular due to the zero-side effects associated with the treatment, it’s more comfortable than fat-freezing with much greater results. Emerald green laser heats fat cells enough to shrink them and results can be noticeable with each session.

Combine Green Laser Lipo with Fat-Freezing for Superior results! (Link to fat freezing page)

Unlike Coolsculpting, which isn’t suitable if you have a BMI of more than 30, the Green Laser is FDA-cleared for ‘reduction in overall body circumference in patients with small pockets of fat and a BMI of 40 plus’.

Green Laser Lipo Treatment

Green Laser Single

Fat Loss Treatment for abdomen

Duration 45 mins
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Loose inches around you waist and let the machine do all the work!

Green Laser Lipo Treatment

A Course Of Green Laser

Fat Loss Treatment For Abdomen

Duration 45 mins
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A full coarse of fat-loss sessions to help you loose up top 4 inches around your waist

10 Sessions
8 Sessions (Most Popular)
6 Sessions
Emerald Laser

A Course of Green Laser

+ EMS Body Sculpt For Abdomen

Duration 75 mins
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A combination of fat-loss and muscle building for serious body goals!

45 Mins Emerald Laser and 30 mins EMS Body Sculpt each session

10 Sessions
8 Sessions (Most Popular)
6 Sessions
4 Sessions

Additional areas like the chest, back or legs can be added to any green laser package at a reduced rate. Message us for custom packages.


Emerald Green Laser is suitable for all men looking to change their lifestyle and get into shape! The treatment is designed to help with losing more than a pinchable amount of fat. Green Laser can be effective on people who have a BMI of 40 or over.

The green laser applicator is unique in size meaning it can treat your abdomen and side flanks at the same time without an additional cost. We can also treat the chest, back, legs and the neck separately. Message us for custom packages.

Green Laser is a low level diode laser that emits a harmless laser light through the skin to target the fat underneath and starts shrinking fat cells. 10 lasers are applied to the target areas of fat simultaneously.

The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy. For most adults, an ideal BMI is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range.

If your BMI is:

  • below 18.5 – you’re in the underweight range
  • between 18.5 and 24.9 – you’re in the healthy weight range
  • between 25 and 29.9 – you’re in the overweight range
  • 30 or over – you’re in the obese range

BMI Calculator

Each treatment of Green Laser Lipo will be for 45 minutes where you can sit back and relax during the treatment. A course of 8-10 Green Laser treatments are recommended for optimum results.

For individuals of a BMI range under 18.5
Emerald is not recommended but Emsculpt would be a better alternative.
6 sessions Emsculpt sessions twice a week is recommended. Emsculpt Sessions to be spaced at least 48hrs apart.

For individuals of a BMI range of 18.5 -24.9
2 sessions of Green Laser lipo twice a week of
8 sessions is recommended. Sessions to be spaced at least 48hrs apart.

For individuals of a BMI range of 25-30
1 session of Green Laser lipo at least once a week of 8 sessions minimum is recommended.

(Severely overweight)
For individuals of a BMI range of 30-40
1 session of Green Laser lipo at least once a week of 10 sessions minimum is recommended. (A balanced diet and lifestyle changes must also be made for the treatment to be successful)

Check your BMI now and book your first session online.
BMI Calculator

Sometimes results from the Green Laser Lipo can be seen immediately after your first session. The treatment will continue to develop over the following 4-12 weeks since your first session. The fat cells shrink and fat is removed from your body. During these weeks you will see your body change and your waistline get smaller.

Below are the 3 major fat-loss treatments for comparison.

Cool-sculpting or fat freezing – Only suitable if you are near your target weight or you have a pinchable amount of fat. You must be in your normal range of BMI 18.5-24.9. Can be very cold and sometimes uncomfortable. Studies have found combining both fat-freezing with green laser can provide much superior results for fat reduction.

Ultrasound cavitation or fat-melting -Suitable for most individuals within healthy and unhealthy range of BMI. Multiple treatments are needed to see a noticeable difference such as 12+ treatments. The noise from the device can be uncomfortable to your ears.

Surgical Liposuction- Suitable for individuals struggling with weight and health. Results can be seen 3 months post treatment. Scarring and bruising will be apparent. Costly appointments and lots of post care is required.

Following your treatment you must drink between 2-3L of water for the next 48hrs. This is to help eliminate the waste from the shrunken fat cells. You must maintain a healthy-lifestyle for the treatment to be most effective. Light exercise following the treatment will help develop the results much sooner. Massage can also help eliminate waste by the lymphatic system. Alcohol must be avoided during your course especially 48hrs post treatment.

Like any fat-loss treatment the results are only permanent if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you have chosen to make some lifestyle changes the results you get from green-laser will continue to improve and stay.

Yes! Combining Green Laserwith EMS Body Sculpt will dramatically help with your body transformation. EMS Body Sculpt’s primary purpose is to build muscle, second to melt away some body fat. Green Laser’s sole purpose if to destroy fat cells. By combining two technologies for fat-loss and muscle building you are able to expedite your results by eliminating fat cells by multiple methods.

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